Thinking of running your business full-time? Do this before you take the leap.

Allison from Juniper
1 min readMar 10, 2023


Taking the leap to start a business can be scary. But there are ways to reduce the risks before taking the plunge into full-time entrepreneurship!

One of my favorites: Take a week off from your job and run your part-time business full-time for that week.

This allows you to:

1) Test the idea
2) Validate the idea in the market
3) Gauge your motivation without coworkers or accountability systems

…then decide if you’re ready to make the jump.

There’s more to minimizing risk than just validating your business idea — you must also validate that you are up for this at this time in your life.

You need to ask yourself whether you’re comfortable running things alone, having complete control over your day, and whether you can handle the stress of being a full-time founder.

Good luck!

